Need to remember this

So I really am not trying to neglect this but the problem is typing hurts. Having the nerve problem in both arms makes typing one of those things I call a chore. I’ve barely been able to play Minecraft, work on my stories, write in my journal, or even hold things. The pain is almost unbearable at times. I haven’t given up. Hell right now we’re only living in my sister’s house by her good graces.


  1. My sister is letting us stay because of my health
  2. My mom is more pissed
  3. Ashley is taking me to a temp place to see if they can find something for me to be able to do
  4. She still isn’t working.

I am mad that she’s decided and didn’t think it through that she’s going to live with her cousin. Problems:

  1. Her cousin plans to get a loan for $35,000 with her as a cosigner
  2. Her cousin is demanding her to get a $35,000 loan for upgrade costs
  3. Her cousin is getting two dogs (that I will be stuck dealing with when I’m there)
  4. Her cousin is doing all the deciding on everything.
  5. Her cousin is moving Matt and his 2 dogs and 2 cats in

So I got into with her about those the other night. She won’t change her mind. I’m not going to live in a house where we get no say in anything and OWE way too much. Did I mention for that same $35,000 we could get a new truck and a nice apartment? She won’t listen to me about it so I am probably gonna live with my sister longer or get an apartment on my own. I am not having anything to do with that plan. Also any other upgrades done that cost more than the loan have to be split between them.

She plans to sell the house. Okay? Houses in that area are only going for $65,000. You’re going in owing $70,000. You will NOT make any money on that house. No one wants to listen to me. I’m looking at it logically. All it really needs is a bathroom upstairs and the basement insolated and maybe a few upgraded things in the kitchen. Where in the world does it make sense to expand the house just so you can put 2 bathrooms UPSTAIRS in a tiny area? It’s stupid. 1 bathroom is perfect. Nothing else would be needed. BUT no. She has a whole house being redone while living in it and working. I see it being a failed venture. Not the idea being bad but the way they are going about it. Go for something like $14,000 (my sister’s house is an example). Put in the $20,000 in upgrades (bigger kitchen, better stairs, new roof). Sell for $70,000. Let’s do the math here: costs- $34,000, sell-$70,000. Profit of: $36,000 total. So the break down would be each: cost-$17,000, sell- $70,000/2, bringing out a total of $35,000 each minus $17,000 (start up) equals a profit of $18,000. Why not do it that way? Makes sense.

Sadly her cousin wants to take on a huge project that she won’t finish because it will be too much and cost too much and make nothing back. But what do I know? I don’t house hunt in my spare time at all.

Need to remember this

Update 3/7/19

So topics:

  1. CRPS update
  2. Recent fall (like Sunday night and it’s Thursday recent)
  3. What happened after I tried to get the nerve block shot
  4. What happened when I told LA Colors the issue I had
  5. Spazz update
  6. Summer plans
  7. Next 5 year plans (long topic)

So #1: it’s gotten worse. I was sent to University of Michigan Pain Clinic (probably not the actual name of the place). It is in the mall parking lot. No literally I walk out the clinic and BAM I see Macy’s empty store. So this was the plan my new doctor decided:

  1. new medicine
  2. nerve blocker
  3. new doctors for get this- general health, dentists, and phychatrists
  4. Physical Therapy

Simple. So that led to PT again. Plan here is gonna make you rub the bridge of your nose.

  1. 6 months to get stable on my ankle
  2. 1-2 years for walking fully
  3. 2-4 years for a chance at running properly.

So I explained to the guy that I can walk….sometimes. He explained it had to be done in baby steps there since I just wanted to hop on the lovely balance beam. I explained the whole been in PT for 2 years and it’s done NOTHING to help me. In fact I’ve only gotten worse. He explained if they had done it right the first time, I wouldn’t be in this situation. By the way, my doctors don’t really have a fondness for my hometown doctors (mostly for their inability to do what is needed for special problems). He said he can see when I walk that there are areas that need a lot of help and it’s obvious to him at least why the falls keep happening and as to why surgery has to be put off on the ankle.

Oh before I forget I have a NEW ankle doctor there to. He wants the pain clinic to sign off on me so he can do the surgery. He gave me a BRACE for my ankle that looks like a shoe (I’ll do a post on it later).

So #2: I was walking up the stairs to go to the fucking kitchen to eat (like I was holding my pop and ramen). I fell. At first I felt my knee cap pop out of place so that I had to wait on. Guess what? I fell on my bad leg. Anyway not the biggest problem that came from it. I dislocated or did damage to the soft tissue of the rotator cuff and shoulder blade. FUN. NOT.  Pain is constant and turning my head to the right only makes it worse. So I got xrays and saw Dr. Brewer for it. Long week trust me. She said, PT for it. Yippee. UGH.

#3: So last Thursday (like a week ago; 2/28/19), I had scheduled the nerve block with sedation. Normal. Boring talk before, insert painful iv in hand, get taken in room with xray machine that helps the doctors. I was given 1 injection. Not even the nerve blocker. So I was laying on my stomach, iodine on my back. Within seconds, I felt like bricks had been laid over my body. Breathing became difficult and I was puking. They took me out and gave me a shot for the nausea. NO help. Inhaler was given to me and they told me to discuss the next course of action with my specialist. So here I was laying in the bed puking my guts out having trouble breathing. Do they offer a steriod shot to counter? No. I finally decide I was okay enough to go home (ha ha ha ha). I got to the car and passed out. I woke long enough to eat since it had been over 12 hours since I ate then puked it up. Followed by passing out in the backseat again and waking at gas station to puke some more. So that lasted a whole 4 days during which my throat became sore and I lost my voice. Happy to report it’s over with now. No I didn’t go to the hospital due to the damn thing about different hospitals bull shit.

#4: I love customer service there. I let them know about the issue I had. They told me to send them the bad machine and they will find out what is happening to it and send me a new one. I was grateful for the fast response.

#5: Spazz is fine. She’s still trying to kill me in my sleep except now she’s found just leaving the blanket half open irritates me to wake up. She has slowly began to eat dry food without getting sick. She’s on a softish and hard dry food mix (grillers I think, i don’t keep it in a bag). She is still hyper but mad I had to sell my saddle (which scammed me. I got $200 cash for it and a check. The check turned out to be fake but that is a rant for another time)

#6: apparently we’ve decided to buy a house with her cousin who wants a dog. No. No. No. I get no say this time. NO! It boils down to the fact of the matter I need to still be close to my doctors and it’s not far. Her cousin (my ex manager) might be able to redeem herself in this time period or make me hate her. We shall see. We plan to sell it after a lot of renovations are done to it.

Which leads to #7: it is going to be a 4-6 year project and we plan to get me a horse and competing in the mean time to make me relax.

Update 3/7/19